Broccoli Cheese Soup

I LOVE Panera’s Broccoli Cheese Soup!! It is soooo good. And served in a soudough bread bowl, ohmagod. So when I decided to make Broccoli Cheese soup at home, I looked up the recipe for the Panera version. It turns out that the reason the soup is so delicious is because there is almost a whole stick of butter, 2 cups of half-and-half, and a whole block of cheese in this soup! Holy Fat Bomb Batman! I try to be health conscious when I’m cooking so I couldn’t make this recipe and look myself in the eye (or fit into my skinny jeans) after eating/serving it. Continue reading

Squash Stuffed with Cornbread-Sausage Stuffing

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have a couple holiday-appropriate recipes lined up. Fall is one of my favorite food seasons because I love all the fall produce, like apples, sweet potatoes, and (especially) squash! I never really ate squash as a kid, it’s not really something you see in Filipino kitchens. But when I discovered squash, it was magical. I like squash prepared very simply, cut in half and roasted in the oven with a little butter, brown sugar, salt and pepper until it’s tender. Continue reading